Engaged community and equal opportunity brings prosperity for all.
Thank you voters!
"Scott is a hardworking legislator, one who listens to all sides, reaches careful conclusions, and communicates regularly with his constituents. He looks at the big picture and identifies opportunities where others see challenges. Scott is a public servant in the best sense and I'm proud to support him in his race for reelection." ~ Congressman Peter Welch
“Scott is a thoughtful, pragmatic leader for the NEK and Vermont. He understands the challenges we face in housing, childcare, healthcare, and adapting to climate change. He sees the economic opportunity presented by the transition away from fossil fuels and the need to adapt to climate change and the changes it will bring to the world, national, and local economy.” ~ Senator Patrick Leahy
"Scott has fought to improve the lives of working people for over 20 years. He will be a strong voice and work hard in the Statehouse to further strengthen the community and our state." ~ U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
I want to hear from you!
For help with specific issues, email me at scampbell@leg.state.vt.us.
I truly appreciate the confidence shown by voters in Concord, Kirby and St. Johnsbury.
Now, it’s back to work!
I will continue to post articles and comments. And I will post community events as I come across them on my events calendar.
(I will be converting this website from “campaign mode” to “public servant mode” in next few weeks.)
Last updated November 10, 2022
Election Info Here
Visit our Campaign Office!
166 Eastern Ave, St. Johnsbury
The final weekend! Nov. 5, 2022
Lawn Sign battle is heating up!
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Ad appearing in Caledonian-Record, 11/7 and 11/8
Recent post: Is climate change a Vermont problem?